Descendants: Debbie & Tony
Deborah Ruth Anderson Olsen
Anthony Charles Olsen
Emily Anna Olsen
Susannah Cynthia Olsen
Jonathan Anthony Olsen
Rachel Leola Olsen
Lucy Valerie Olsen

Deborah Ruth Anderson Olsen
Born 18 September 1974 in Boston
Married in Salt Lake, 28 December 1995
Mom recovered well from her birth
1974: Debbie!
Debbie, mostly with siblings
Christmas card
Christmas letter, 1974
Marched in Army Bicentennial parade
First birthday
Grabbed for the flame, like Erik
In the yard
More in the yard
1975—Out and Around—responded to slide
Christmas card, 1975
Christmas letter, 1975
At Timbaloo, with Grandpa Floyd
At Concord Bridge, with Grandpa Floyd
Saw Floyd & Doris off at Logan Airport
Christmas card, 1976
Christmas letter, 1976
Traveling outfit
1977—Squirts ‘n’ Seasons
More outdoors
1977—Squirts ‘n’ Projects
10 September—Third birthday
Robey tact
“I walk now!”
Accompanied my Church travels
Christmas card, 1977
Christmas letter, 1977
Snowballs instead of shovels
By snow-pile
29 May 1978—Justin!
Dramatic Erik
1978—Summer—Jungle Gym
Fourth birthday
Carrying a tune!
Accompanying me on my Church travels
Christmas card, 1978
Christmas letter, 1978
1979—The Birthday Parade
Age 5, Kindergarten
Home-made frock by glass table
1979—…and Out
Georges Island
Georges Island
At the Falls
Age 5, Kindergarten
Christmas morning
Christmas card, 1979
Kids enjoyed cousin-proximity
Traveling companion
Returned to 115 Beacon Street
6th birthday
1980—January portraits
Age 6, First Grade
1980—School Portraits: Age 6, 1st grade
Candids & portrait
Christmas morning, 1980
Christmas letter, 1980
Christmas letter, 1980
1981—Grandma’s Ninetieth!
1981—Back Yard
1981—February portrait
Christmas 1981
Christmas 1981, at the hospital
Christmas card, 1981
Christmas letter, 1981
Pushing Van Wiggle
1982—Church History Sites
1982—Niagara and Gettysburg
1982—Reunion in Batesville
Stairstep family portrait in Batesville
Age 8, grade 3
Eighth birthday
Looking for baptism shots
Christmas morning
…Christmas morning
Christmas letter, 1982
1983—On Our Way: Strasburg
With Great-grandma Anderson
Birthday (9)
1983 School: grade 3
With Joey
Christmas letter, 1983
Eeyore’s tail
In my office, with Kristen
Non-geeky glasses
Tenth birthday
Age 9, grade 4
The ritual at the door, Christmas morning
Christmas morning
Christmas letter, 1984
Off to school
Portrait behind couch
Christmas letter, 1985
Her “Eloese” gave Rick pause
Twelfth birthday
Age 12, grade 6
Off to school
Christmas letter, 1986
Boston Lying-In
Rick Returns!
Chris’ Graduation
Christmas card, 1987
Christmas letter, 1987
High spirits
Christmas card, 1988
Christmas letter, 1988
Fifteenth birthday
Christmas card, 1989
Christmas letter, 1989
Reception line
Sixteenth birthday
Christmas morning
Christmas letter, 1990
Valerie’s Young Women
Christmas card, 1991
Christmas letter, 1991
Debbie, graduate
At Debbie’s graduation
Wedding reception for Cyndi and Ron
Christmas letter, 1992
In the California Woods
In Provo, with Ralstons
Christmas letter, 1993
With Maggie
Maggie and kin
University Graduate
Christmas letter, 1994
1995—Debbie and Tony
Ignored her mother’s desires for warm-weather wedding
At the Temple
1995—Spring Sing
Christmas letter, 1995
Chris & Mary Beth nuptials
Gathering in the Parlor
Gathering in the entry hall
Christmas letter, 1996
Christmas letter, 1997
In Federal Way
At Timbaloo
Christmas letter, 2000
Reunion Portrait
Visiting at Timbaloo
Harvard Forest
The Public Garden
Christmas letter, 2001
Primary Brunch
Family portrait
Flat Stanley
Welcome, Jacob
Christmas letter, 2002
Olsens kept Otto
Olsens in Sugar House
Olsens at Wheeler Farm
Jonathan! (Grandsquirt #9)
Christmas letter, 2004
Christmas letter, 2005
2006—Reunion at Chankly
2008—arranged and sang “Precious Lord” for Floyd’s funeral
2009—Hot-air ballooning
Deb & Dad recordings
Harmonized on the road
April 2010: gathering at Chankly
Plantagenet ancestry
Anthony Charles Olsen
Introduced me to HTML
Christmas letter, 1994
Christmas letter, 1995
Married in Salt Lake, 28 December 1995
1995—Debbie and Tony
At the Temple
Olsen Reception
Chris & Mary Beth nuptials
Christmas letter, 1996
Christmas letter, 1997
Emily (Grandsquirt #4)
Cute Kids
At Timbaloo
Christmas letter, 2000
Visiting at Timbaloo
Christmas letter, 2001
Family portrait
Welcome, Jacob
Christmas letter, 2002
Olsens in Sugar House
Olsens kept Otto
Christmas letter, 2004
Christmas letter, 2005
2006—Reunion at Chankly
Emily Anna Olsen
Born 30 March 1998 in Provo
Married in Salt Lake, 28 December 1995
Emily (Grandsquirt #4)
Cute Kids
Emily, Bethany, Maggie, Tucker, Bryan
Emily, only child
In Federal Way
At Timbaloo
Bethany, Maggie, Bryan, Emily
Christmas letter, 2000
Reunion Portrait
Visiting at Timbaloo
Reunion at Timbaloo
Harvard Forest
The Public Garden
Reunion: grandkids
Christmas letter, 2001
Family portrait
Flat Stanley: Plymouth
Flat Stanley: Boston
Welcome, Jacob
Primary Brunch
Family Room & ficus
Christmas letter, 2002
Olsens in Sugar House
Fifth birthday
Olsens at Wheeler Farm
2004—Late February in Keokuk
Jonathan! (Grandsquirt #9)
Nine grandkids
Christmas letter, 2004
2004—Early Summer in Keokuk
Late February in Keokuk
2005—Nine Grandkids
Christmas letter, 2005
2006—Reunion at Chankly
Fluffalo hike
April 2010: gathering at Chankly
Susannah Cynthia Olsen
Born 19 September 2000 in Washington
Brightens drippy Northwest
Named after Aunt Cyndi
Christmas letter, 2000
Reunion Portrait
Visiting at Timbaloo
Reunion at Timbaloo
The Forest
The Public Garden
Reunion: grandkids
Christmas letter, 2001
Family portrait
Welcome, Jacob
Christmas letter, 2002
Primary Brunch
Olsens at Wheeler Farm
Nine grandkids
Christmas letter, 2004
2004—Late February in Keokuk
Jonathan! (Grandsquirt #9)
Late February in Keokuk
2004—Early Summer in Keokuk
Nine grandkids
July: Keokuk
2005—Nine Grandkids
Christmas letter, 2005
2006—Reunion at Chankly
Fluffalo hike
Cute Olsens
April 2010: gathering at Chankly
Illustrated Isaiah 5:18
Called to mission in Peru; starting out on Temple Square
Jonathan Anthony Olsen
Born 19 June 2004 in Carthage, Hancock, Illinois
Nine grandkids
Jonathan! (Grandsquirt #9)
2004—Early Summer in Keokuk
Christmas letter, 2004
July: Keokuk
2005—Nine Grandkids
Christmas letter, 2005
2006—Reunion at Chankly
Cute Olsens
April 2010: gathering at Chankly
Rachel Leola Olsen
Born 22 November 2007 in Keokuk
Lucy Valerie Olsen
Born 23 November 2011 in Keokuk
April 2010: gathering at Chankly

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