Nowadays (2003)
Born at Stanford, 1965
Baptized Bryan, 2003
Married in Salt Lake, 12 June 1990
Patriarchal Four
Unsure about snowball, Belmont
A major component of our Stanford curriculum
Soaked up all the photographic oxygen
Seminary welcomed him
Made money on his birth
First physical injury
Opened a drawer, and there he was
Visited Capuchino
Gripped his mom’s index finger
First smile?
With parents
Declined to crawl
Happy to sit
Ignores Pooh
Valerie: Loved that little outfit
Cuter at six months: Rick or me?
Adventuresome eater
With Silvers, Hirschfelds
With Popes, Robertses
Governor’s granddaughter
I broke his leg
First haircut, in cast
With great-grandpa Tom
With San Diego Seelys
With Mount Pleasant Jorgensons
With grandparents in Ogden
In South Dakota
In Belmont, with Pappy
49 Sycamore Street
Amen, already!
Autumn leaves
Protecting the Tree
Pappy-style Christmas card
Old Ironsides
Leroys visit
The leash
The slide at Beaver Brook
An only child?
Christmas letter, 1967
Christmas in Paris and Geneva, 1967
Fascinated by Mission Office tree
Craved a sackbut
Opening presents
In the Tuileries
Holding eyelid shut?
Charmed Air France passengers and crew
Affinity for babies
Sartorial originality
Rick, sportif
With the Beetle
Shoveling snow
Returned to Paris to help President Grandpappy
With Jorgenson grandparents
Loved the egg-cart
Separate Passports
A new little brother
Joined the welcoming committee at Los Angeles International
Christmas morning, 1968
In our apartment
Christmas letter, 1968
Mutual admiration
Dress like a missionary
The Littlest Missionaries
Elder Brasher started his dessert
Where’s Elder Brasher?
Boulangerie, Eiffel, travel bag
Rivoli sidewalk
Third birthday
Gag transfer letter
Bilingual pre-school
At Chambord, in Citroën, at Christmas, 1967
At Notre-Dame
Christmas card and photo, 1969
Christmas letter, 1969
Back to Belmont
Christmas card, photo, 1970
Christmas letter, 1970
Christmas letter, 1971
Heartquist linguistic feat
Foss and the Super-Wagon
Sports in the back yard
Christmas card, photo, 1971
Christmas Letter
Boys in Autumn
In the wedding party
Olivewood Lane
Christmas, 1971
Christmas, 1971
At Karps’ in New City
Three brothers
Gave “Where Horses Stay” its name
In Brent and Janet’s wedding reception
At the Taits’
Erik’s second birthday
With new Chris
“Where horses stay”
Andersons don’t smoke
In the Burlington back-yard: the family group on Commencement Day
’Til I’m as old as DAD?
Squeeze over!
1972: Portraits
Back yard, fireplace
Christmas card, family portrait
Christmas letter, 1972
On the steps of the Cambridge Chapel
Back-yard shots, Burlington
Beaver Brook, Belmont
Locke School, Arlington
In the yard at Timbaloo
Weir’s Beach, New Hampshire
Rattlesnake Mountain
Christmas letter, 1973
Timbaloo steps
Back-yard snow
New Debbie
Debbie, mostly with siblings
Out and around
Age 9, Grade 4
Christmas card
Christmas letter, 1974
Marched in Army Bicentennial parade
Out and around
Age 10, Grade 5
Christmas card, 1975
Christmas letter, 1975
In Ogden, with Anderson great-grandparents, siblings, cousins
In Yucaipa, with Grandpa Floyd and me
At Timbaloo, with Granny Doris
Age 11, Grade 6
Age 12
Accompanied my Church travels
Christmas card, 1976
More outdoors
In Salt Lake, with Loophie, 1977
Gee, Deb, that must hurt!
1977—Squirts ‘n’ Projects
Age 12, Grade 6
…and then we had Cyndi…
“Gee, Deb, that must hurt!”
Ordained Deacon; spiffy new suit
Christmas card, 1977
Christmas letter, 1977
Snowballs instead of shovels
29 May 1978—Justin!
Clearwater Campground
1978—Between the Winters
First teenager
Christmas 1978
Christmas card, 1978
Christmas letter, 1978
1979—The Birthday Parade
Georges Island
Georges Island
At the Falls
Our Handsome 14-Year-Old
Christmas morning
Christmas card, 1979
Christmas letter, 1979
The Bwumet
Kids enjoyed cousin-proximity Genevieve
Christmas morning
Christmas morning
With Genevieve
Christmas letter, 1980
1981—Grandma’s Ninetieth!
1981—Back Yard
Berkshire Bluegrass
With Justin and banjo
Patriots’ Day
Genevieve and Bretagne
Christmas, 1981
Christmas, 1981, at hospital
Christmas card, 1981
Christmas letter, 1981
Pushing Van Wiggle
1982—Church History Sites
1982—Niagara and Gettysburg
1982—Reunion in Batesville
Stairstep family portrait in Batesville
Granny & Karen Visit
Drums on Mass Ave
…and on Christmas morning
Christmas letter, 1982
Patriots’ Day
Menotomy Minute Men fife and drum
At Cousin Jason Russell’s house
Batesville, on his way to Idaho
Covered bridge
With Great-grandma Anderson
Christmas letter, 1983
Age 19, college freshman
The ritual at the door, Christmas morning
Christmas morning
Less thrilled
Christmas letter, 1984
Christmas letter, 1985
Appreciated Deb’s “Eloese”
Phoned for Handel & Haydn
Will return next March from mission & boing at Chris’ altitude
Christmas letter, 1986
Christmas letter, 1986
Rick Returns!
Chris’ Graduation
Christmas card, 1987
Christmas letter, 1987
Christmas card, 1988
Christmas letter, 1988
Christmas card, 1989
Christmas letter, 1989
Christmas letter, 1989
Married Laura, June 12
Reception line
Christmas morning
Christmas letter, 1990
Christmas card, 1991
Christmas letter, 1991
At Debbie’s graduation
Maggie, 1 November
Wedding reception for Cyndi and Ron
Christmas letter, 1992
Entry hall gathering
Christmas letter, 1993
Toddler Maggie
Maggie, toddler
Maggie and kin
Christmas letter, 1994
Bryan, on Labor Day
Christmas letter, 1995
Chris & Mary Beth nuptials
Head table
Cake & Groomsmen
Shower at Timbaloo
On the stairs
The Photogenic Ones
Gathering in the Parlor
Gathering in the entry hall
Christmas letter, 1996
Christmas letter, 1997
Valerie, Rick, Rebecca, Merielle
Maggie, Rick, Bryan, Laura, Cyndi, Bethany, Ron
1999—Our Progeny of the Second Generation
Greensboro Andersons
Maggie’s Baptism
Patriots’ Day
Christmas letter, 2000
Reunion at Timbaloo
Truckee Meadows
Reunion piñata
The Forest
Christmas letter, 2001
Reno gathering
Reno Andersons
Auto Museum
Christmas letter, 2002
Fetching the Tree
Talent Show
Christmas letter, 2004
Gave Poppa lovely Munroe tie
Christmas letter, 2005
Bryan the Eagle
Brought us news of Chris’ death
Being shown off as first grandchild in San Diego, 1966.
Ogden and Ancestors
Sycamore Sidewalk
Christmas in Paris
Plantagenet ancestry