1975—Out and Around
Arlington’s Reservoir, located a manageable walk westward from Timbaloo, mostly replaced Beaver Brook, similarly situated near our former Belmont quarters. By the time of our arrival a beach park known locally as “The Res,” it was a favorite resort in our early years in the town. Especially while access remained inexpensive. You got a “Res tag” for a nominal annual fee. By the time we left, the town government had improved the facilities and raised the admission price beyond what we were inclined to pay.

Debbie responded to this slide, much as Rick had to the one in Belmont, nearly a decade earlier. The lawyers and lily-livers have spoiled all that now, of course.
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Valerie thinks we found this camel at the Zoo—either Franklin Zoo in Boston or the Stone Zoo in Stoneham.

The springtide forsythia grow next to the lilacs of Bussey Hill at the Arnold Arboretum.

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