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In the summer of 1966, Leola got to show off Rick, her very first grandchild,* who was then approaching his first birthday. On their way back from Stanford to Harvard, Richard and Valerie stayed in San Bernardino and, with Leola and Duane, looped around via San Diego and visited with Grant and Margo.
Then, as they drove back to Massachusetts, they shared the first half of the trip with Duane and Leola, stopping together to visit Ken and Verna at the Crow Indian reservation in South Dakota, where they were serving as missionaries. Yes, we seized another chance to snap a photo of Verna and Leola, adopting this time a local woman, with her wigwam as backdrop.

*None of us realized then, of course, that Rick would be the only one of Leola’s numerous grandchildren whom she’d get to know in this life.
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