2006—“Health Insurance” redux

We were besieged, in the months leading up to our birthdays, with offers from various “health insurance” outfits to sell us membership in their “Medicare Advantage plans,” under which they would collect our government allotments and accept responsibility to “cover” our medical needs in various ways characteristic of what passed (then and now) for “health insurance”.

Anyway, we signed up with an outfit called Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield and stuck with them until 2011…
*If you’re wondering about the “scare quotes” in this text, they reflect my understanding that “health insurance” isn’t and never really has been insurance, in the usual (and sensible) sense of the word. Permit me to refer you to the extensive literature on the subject that is available, on the Internet and elsewhere.
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(Bert van Uitert (1920-2007))
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Updated Jul 2020 [2006pins.htm] Page 506-27