Chapter Two: San Bernardino, 1946-1958 |
In 1946, Pappy went to California, met Dr. John L Lounsbury, president of San Bernardino Valley Union Junior College, and returned to Sunset with a teaching job. We seem to have wasted very little time in moving to what was then the nation’s largest county. |
And, to my ungrateful eyes, surely among its most desolate. I wasn’t consulted, of course, in selecting our family headquarters for the rest of my parents’ lifetime. Only many years later would I perceive the similarity between my experience in 1946 and Grandma Harriet’s, just 101 years earlier. |
These were eventful years. Their story comes in layers and clusters, with no obvious way to arrange them in a logical sequence, apart from an overarching chronology. Thank the Lord for hypertext, with which I can let you jump around and branch into whatever you find interesting. And thank you, for finding interest therein. So, here are some San Bernardino topics, in one of many possible sequences: |
Click on any topic name, above, to jump there; return here with your browser’s “Back”feature. Or via the navigation links at the bottom of the page. |
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Chapter 3 (1958-72) |
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Updated Dec 2013 | [2010Chapter2.htm] | Page 2-000 |