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According to Lapham 1, our 7GGF Jonathan Wheeler (1684-1747), husband of Hannah Russell, deeded in 1747, the year of his death, “…to his grandson, Oliver, some land including a house and barn. This place was later known as the ‘Nones Place’ and the present [1970] house, occupied by the Charles Hughes’ family on Acton Street, is the third on the site.” The current (2002) Town Directory says that the Hugheses still live at 250 Acton Street. Here are some shots of their house.

Inasmuch as Jonathan’s grandson 5GGF Oliver Wheeler II (1748-1833) wasn’t born until the next year, it’s pretty clear that it was in fact Jonathan’s son 6GGF Oliver Wheeler I (1722-1804) who received this property, and that in all likelihood Oliver II was born and grew up there.
Oliver Map
I haven’t seen the 1747 deed, but I do have2 Grandpa Jonathan’s will dated 18 April 1721, in which he gave “…to my Son Oliver the House lot that was formally Wm Russels, Deceased3 with the House and Barn…” and various neighboring “medow” lands.

He also bequeathed property to Oliver’s brother Sampson, specifying: “I also yearly oblige my two Sons Oliver & Sampson to pasture for me and their Mother Yearly one Hors and three Cows, and to provide me twelve loads of hay yearly…and that my two said Sons, Oliver and Sampson provide for their Father and Mother an honerable maintainance and Fier wood & said Oliver and Sampson are obliged to make their Cyder together dureing their Father and Mothers life and allow them four Barrels yearly and the rest to divide equally betwext them.”4
1Donald A. Lapham, Carlisle, Composite Community (Undated memoir, privately published; NEHGS copy bears author’s autograph and date of Nov. 14, 1970), pp. 74.
2By courtesy of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, from its wonderful Manuscript Collection (NEHGS MS 6 W 34).
38GGF William Russell died in 1717; I don’t know where his home was (not his father’s place, where Russells lived well into the 19th Century), but Jonathan seems to include it among “my lands in Acton.”
4When Valerie and I moved from Arlington to Utah at the end of 2002, it was with the intent of occupying a house there with our daughter Cynthia, her husband Ron Ralston, and their adorable children. We built the house, named it “Chankly,” and gave the lawyer Jonathan’s will as a model for our intra-familial trust agreement. For a year, we occupied the “mother-in-law apartment” in the basement. Then the Ralstons succumbed to the siren call of southern California, and we moved upstairs… They never did make us any Cyder…
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