2005—5 March: Temple Session |
While we still hoped to repent of about half of our geographic defection from our home in the East, and while winter kept us pretty much confined to the house we were trying, however futilely, to sell, the Internet and the Family History Library in Salt Lake enabled a lot of productive research activity, building on what Granny
Hepzibah had catalyzed back in New England.
By this time, moreover, Valerie was working in the Bountiful Temple as an ordinance worker and I, once again, as a sealer. In that capacity, I put together and conducted a family sealing session in service to various deceased descendants of my eighth great-grandpa William Munroe of Lexington. |
Invited Brent and Mimi, cousins Jim and Ellie Seely, Kent and Mary Seely, John and Paulette Seely, Doyle Seely, and Ken and Gwen (they rhyme!) Goates, and foster sister Ann Cox. Also neighbors Mike and Shelly Duggar. Prepared this handout for the occasion. |
In her reliable wisdom, Valerie continues to point out that we very likely owe our comfortable financial situation to the failure of our Haute Courtoisie project. Home ownership porte bien its durable reputation as an infinite money-sink. Smaller and newer houses have bankrupted richer, younger, and healthier people. Yes, if we’d succeeded in purchasing Courtoisie, we’d probably have died broke and terminally weary. Perhaps by now. Yes, we don’t always recognize our blessings as such. But yet…I still can’t review the pictures on the 3 January page with dry eyes. |
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Updated Jul 2020 | [2005p2b.htm] | Page 505-04 |