2005—3 January: Haute Courtoisie, en bas
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So, we drooled over the interior specifics and negotiated a price. On the third day of the New Year, we signed a purchase and sale agreement, and delivered a down payment: we were serious.

Then we returned to Utah and put Chankly on what turned out to be a disastrously soft real estate market. Three months. Not much happened, the rest of that winter, except that we incurred all the pain of keeping our occupied residence looking attractively empty. You’d think such a newly-built place wouldn’t need much cosmetic fiddling. You’d be wrong.

A few nibbles, but nary an offer. Don’t know whether we could eventually have brought our price down far enough to move the merchandise, but the P&S had only allowed for the three months. So, the Haute Courtoisie deal fell through, and we retreated to the basement, both literally and in some figurative ways.
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Updated Jul 2020 [2005p1.htm] Page 505-01