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Back row: Lynn Bogh, Del Riddle, Richard Anderson, Don Ellsworth, , Mike Anderson*, Ross Jones, Darrell Lewis, Richard (“Killer, Junior”) Anderson*, Bill Townsend, Vaughn Lewis.
Second row: Cherry ____, ?, Dona Duncan, Linda Meyer,Melody Hoaglund. Third row: Earlene Fogg, ?, Myrna McEwen, Kathleen Nebeker, Dawn Jones, Jo Ann Bogh, ?, Valerie Jorgenson, Leola. Front row: Mike Lambert, Ron Barrett, Alan Barrett, Gill Nielsen, Jack Meyer, Jimmy Andrews.
The next year, the Seminary class was larger, as the still-new Pacific High School also grew apace. Valerie has often marvelled aloud that Leola could control a classroom of thirty energetic adolescents with a look that said, “You wouldn’t disappoint me, would you?” Here, give or take, are the thirty. Hardly a confirmed troublemaker among them, though, truth be told.

She did move one talkative student, her son Richard, across the room, away from his cronies, to sit next to a quiet girl, Valerie Jorgenson. With big downstream consequences.

*You may have noticed that this class was well-supplied with Andersons: two Richards and a Mike. Michael Smith “Killer” Anderson (so called because no other handle could describe him less accurately, close buddy of Leola’s son Richard and big brother to the other Richard) had some difficulty in addressing our beloved instructor as “Sister Anderson”: some sort of cognitive-linguistic clash there. Wrestling with that, one morning, he blurted out, “Uh, Sister Anderson…Mom…HEY, COACH!” …and she was re-branded forever. “Killer, Junior,” the other Richard Anderson, was Mike’s little brother.
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