2003—Building Chankly
Talk about empty! Our new headquarters looked like this, when we arrived. That’s us (those are we? Pappy?). The snow kindly concealed, pending vernal revelation, the infertile clay soil and the preponderant if sparse vegetation: bull-thorn vines, punctuated with residual alfalfa stubble.

They informed us that our address, in local Uncle Brigham format, would be 380 East 1500 South, Kaysville, UT 84037. Then, after we’d spread that light and knowledge abroad, the same official folks came back and announced that we’d actually be living at Number 390. Not even a “sorry ’bout that”…
It’s been ten years, and we’re still fielding exasperated formulaic annotations from the moribund Postal Service, to the effect that various (mostly commercial) correspondents still have the nerve to use THE WRONG ADDRESS! There’s just a tiny boastful tinge in their messages: we’re supposed to be impressed that they found us at Number 390, even though the envelope was addressed to (nonexistent) Number 380…
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