2001—May: East Mill Creek
Treasure Cities
Even here in the West, where they don’t have towns such as we’re accustomed to in New England, East Mill Creek doesn’t qualify as a city: it’s a neighborhood of Salt Lake City. 1258-Mammy-birthplacew
NOT Mammy’s birthplace
I hear on the news that neighboring Mill Creek, just down the hill to the west, keeps trying to get the Utah Legislature to incorporate it. Even if that were to happen, I gather that the new “city” wouldn’t include our Treasure City.

On May 8, knowing that our Mammy, Leola Seely Anderson, was born in East Mill Creek in 1910, we inquired of Alice Neff whether the birthplace still stood. That same evening, armed with her response, we proceeded to Oakwood Street and identified, incorrectly. this cottage as the one we were after. Our fault, not Alice’s, I’m sure.

Actually, we were only one house off: you can see a corner of the actual birthplace behind the black parked car. By the time we got the story straightened out, it turned out that we were singing with the current owner, Betty Chamberlin, in the Utah Sacred Harp organization.

Nine years later, Betty would graciously host our celebration of Mammy’s hundredth birthday, in the correct house. Brent and I co-authored a gedenkschrift for the occasion, which I’ve incorporated into my collection of our family-stories-in-hypertext. It deals extensively with the history of Mammy’s childhood in her birthplace and after.
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