N001616VPudd In case you were wondering about the furry family member in Valerie’s lap on the preceding page: she was Puddleglum. A moderately grouchy beast, but a major favorite with our younger offspring.

When we would gather in a circle in the entry hall for family prayers, Puddleglum would station herself at the center and smack anybody who closed his eyes and neglected his duty to pet her.

Apart from the flash reflections, a fair likeness of my Valerie.
All in the name of physical fitness… Like many families, we blew money from time to time on gadgets that promised to facilitate our good intentions. Upstairs, in accordance with universal custom, they often ended up as repositories for clothing that would eventually make it to the washing machine.

This one’s mainly worth including for the sake of its view of our basement clutter. Funny, but our garage at Chankly bears it a resemblance.
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Updated Jun 2019 [1985p12.htm] Page 485-12