Themes and Colors
I’ve used color throughout in an effort to tie together various themes and epochs that have emerged in this account, as it has developed. I hope thereby to call attention to the multi-layered structure of this life I’ve led, as I’m gradually coming to understand it.

Reviewers of early fragments found in them little more than an annotated photo-album, reflecting no organizing logic more compelling than a linear chronology. As I see it, though, several significant parallel themes have woven themselves together throughout, competing for author’s and readers’ attention and other resources, and each calling for some separate coherence. And so I’ve color-coded them fallibly in the page headers, in the page indices, and in various insertions and digressions:
1 Our Surroundings
2 Work, Employment, Vocation: the conventional definition of one’s “life career”
3 School, Academics, Sports, Music
4 Faith, Church, Calling, Mission
5 Research, History, Tourism, Camping
6 Sorrow, Pain, Sickness, Loss
7 Kids, Friends & Family
8 Birthdays, Family Celebrations
9 Christmas
Y Your Turn
A minority of pages (this one, for example) that seem not to fit within these themes (or their eventual successors) bear a neutral gray top header label:
0 None of the above
The themes may evolve other form and content, by the time you see this document, but these seem to cover the ground as I see it, today.
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Updated June 2011 [0011Themes.htm] Page 0-06