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With his brother Grandpa Franklin Neff, with ourUncle Orrin Porter Rockwell, and with other distinguished frontier scouts, Uncle Amos fulfilled a diplomatic assignment in 1853 and 1854 to pacify Chief Walker and other restive Indians. Some hair-raising stories of their largely successful efforts survive.

The only photograph we have of Grandpa Franklin Neff (displayed on the previous page) shows him with a full beard. We’re told that if this shot had been taken in profile, we’d also see a long pigtail down his back. And that he had been instructed by Uncle Brigham Young to grow out his hair and beard, because the Indians wouldn’t take seriously a short-haired emissary. The story, as I’ve received it, doesn’t say anything about Uncle Amos’ tonsorial adornments, but every picture of him does display a handsome beard.

According to his biography in Conquerors of the West,1 Uncle Amos contracted to build the first railroad track through Echo Canyon, in the mountains northeast of Salt Lake City. By assignment, he also escorted George A. Smith (Joseph Smith’s first cousin, and an important Church official) on a tour of the settlements in Southern Utah; I’m told that the city of Saint George, at the Utah-Arizona border, is named after this George. Uncle Amos also served a fifteen-month mission in England and, was ordained a patriarch in 1914.

1Florence C Youngberg, Conquerors of the West: Stalwart Mormon Pioneers. National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers (Salt Lake:1999).

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Updated Jul 2020
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