Newlyweds, July and August, 1964

However impecunious we were in fact, we did project the very image of the happy, clueless newlyweds we were, as we set forth for New England, where we would spend most of the rest of our life together.

As the ticket says, we left the Santa Fe station in San Bernardino on the 24th of August; I can’t decipher an arrival date. We stopped for a couple of days in Ogden and a couple in Chicago;1 so it probably took us a week. Although we traveled coach class, this was more of a honeymoon than we’d had, back in July. So, we pulled into South Station, Boston, very early in September.
1Overnight visit with high-school friend Jo Ann Bogh Pulsipher; her medical student husband took us on a tour of the Cook County Morgue; showed us a vial of the blood of serial murderer Richard Speck. Big news story back then.

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