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“We whose Names are Under written thinking our Selves Ignorant in the Military Art and Willing to be Instructed met last Teusday and made choice of Mr Joseph Robbins as our Capt & Mr Israel Heald Lieut Mr Robert Chaffin Insign and then Adjurnt to this Day and have Accordingly Met Together to Chuse the other officers and to form our Selves into a Militia Company and we agree to Meet at Such Times as Shall be Set by the Compy and Observe Good order in our Proceeding as witness our hands Acton Septembr 29th 1774”

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This is a pretty typical (if particularly handsome) enrollment agreement for a militia company, written in the month before the concept of Minute Men received official sanction (by the Provincial Congress’ October order to set aside a minute company in each town’s militia). The name of Oliver Wheeler Junr appears in the first column, about half-way down.

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Oliver Wheeler