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Down front: Ivy Napier (Del’s grandmother), Rose Alice Wells, Gordon Millett, Klar Clawson, Jackeen Morgan, Kynra Dyal, Brent, Richard, Chot Napier (Del’s grandfather), Leola. Standing: Vaughn Lewis, Jo Ann Bogh, Dennis Clawson, Ann Richards, Del Riddle, Joe Baker.
The group that gathered in our living room on East Sixteenth Street was drawn heavily from the 1955-56 Seminary bunch, with some interesting additions. Duane surely took this picture, properly featuring Leola, who, as usual, had had a lot to do with making it happen. We regret the deterioration of this slide. Except for that, it’s one of the best images we have of “the Coach.”

Joe Baker had come to town specifically to perform the baptism. Del has his arm around Annie: both of them lived with us, in those days. We include in the next three pages a tribute to Leola that Annie wrote, years later.
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(Seminary 1958-59)
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Updated Sep 2020
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