Career(s?): Family |
Here, all the aspects of career come together in a tangle. While one is at liberty to invest one’s central values in what the world insists on calling one’s “vocation,” and many do, I’ve always seen “all that” as secondary and instrumental to the support and edification of my family.
By and large, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve done to earn a living, but I’ve been grateful to my various employers for supporting the primacy of my family obligations as a central subset of the responsibilities that my faith entails. This may be a good place to rehearse the frequent observation that I’m really not clever with money and have never been able to stay awake through long discussions of the subject. We have what we need in retirement by the merciful grace of Providence, and He implemented that mercy by moving us to make one marvelous investment: our beloved Timbaloo. Our family’s multifaceted story, as I’ve come to understand it “in a glass, darkly,” evokes a multitude of dramatis personae and unfolds on a broad and diverse stage; maybe that’s why my effort to tell it has occupied so many of my years and energies. I do hope my indexing efforts will enable you to find the elements you find relevant. I’ve presented my contemporary family and various other friends and associates in Chapter Six of my personal history, entitled “Such A Life” and delineated, as best I’ve been able, our kinships and the logic of our relationships. Where I’ve introduced a relative, friend, or other associate in that chapter, I’ve done my best to pull together links to other mentions scattered over 3,000-plus pages of hypertext. Ancestors, cousins from earlier times, and other old, dead people whose lives have intersected with those of our ancestral family appear alphabetically in the “People” index that I present near the beginning of this document, before the “Sections” begin, and linked to every page throughout. Also linked at the bottom of each page, and located just after the People index, I’ve provided a similar index to the “Places” where our family history has happened, together with links to their various mentions. |
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Such a Life Contents |
Chapter 1 (1941-1946) |
Chapter 2 (1946-1958) |
Chapter 3 (1958-72) |
Chapter 4 (1972-2002) |
Next Page (Faith) |
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