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The first man known to have taught a school in Utah, or in the region now bearing that name, was the late Julian Moses, of East Mill Creek, Salt Lake county. He was a native of Norfolk, Connecticut, and was born April 11. 1810. His father and mother, Jesse and Esther Brown Moses, were both descended from old Puritan families. Julian’s early boyhood was passed at home with his parents, who were considered wealthy for those times. They owned a large farm and dairy, and were very thrifty people. As a lad he was delicate, and even in manhood never became robust. When quite young he was sent to school; and this, according to his own statement, was much against his will, since his mother often accompanied him with a stick, to ensure his attendance. He acquired a good education in all the common branches, as well as considerable knowledge of the sciences and classics.
At the age of nineteen he moved to Canaan, Connecticut, where he taught school for several seasons, with excellent success. While he was there the town was visited by “Mormon” Elders. He attended their meetings, and was converted and baptized into the Latter-day Church. From that time until his death at the ripe age of eighty-two, he shared the vicissitudes of his people.
Parting with his parents and the rest of the family, excepting his brother James, who accompanied him, he went to Kirtland, Ohio, and there met the Prophet Joseph Smith. Each of the young men had five hundred dollars in cash, the sum total of their worldly wealth, and this they gave freely to the Prophet, who was in financial straits at the time. Julian attended the school established at Kirtland and was a classmate of Wilford Woodruff, between whom and himself there sprang up a strong and enduring friendship. He filled several missions in the Eastern and Southern States, where he made friends and converts. He was never mobbed, and was rarely interfered with in any way, as he was careful to preach only the principles of the Gospel, and avoid giving offense by attacking other people and their creeds. He accompanied the Church to Missouri and Illinois, and was with it in the exodus to the Rocky Mountains.
[Biographical sketch from Orson F Whitney, History of Utah in four volumes, Vol IV -- Biographical, pp. 325-6]
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