William and Ruth Munroe Tidd |
Ruth Munroe (1742-1839—our half second cousin, seven generations removed), daughter of Ensign Robert Munroe, married Lieutenant William Tidd (1736-1826) who was second in command on Lexington Green and was wounded there. The insignia by William’s stone denote his Revolutionary service. Their graves occupy the row just behind that of Ruth’s great-grandfather, William the Immigrant.
William marched to Cambridge the 17th of June where he stayed two days. He was assessor in 1776, 1779, 1780, and 1791, and a selectman at the time of the Revolution. 1William’s father-in-law Robert, having retired as Ensign two years earlier, was at age 62 third in command, by the courtesy of his own young successor, who stood aside and let Robert anchor the right end of the double line of militia on the Green, holding the Union Jack in the face of the Redcoats. Robert and Jonas Parker fell in the first volley. Jonas was Captain John Parker’s first cousin, and he was married to Lucy Munroe, Robert’s first cousin, our half first-cousin, eight generations removed. |
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